Monday, 5 October 2015



               CINNAMON is a spices has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to cure like indigestion, flu and cancer. And it also help us to get glowing skin and prevent hair loss. Cinnamon can be used in multifarious various to improve your skin and health.
              Here are some surprising used of cinnamon.

Cures Acne, Pimples and Blemishes:

Cinnamon helps get rid of acne and pimples on the face and body. This is done by drying the skin and bringing blood and oxygen to the outer skin surface. A simple to make recipe includes mixing 3 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp cinnamon. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it overnight. Alternatively, leave it on for 20 minutes before washing with water. Repeat next week.

Anti-acne face mask.

 Get down and dirty to your pores with a homemade acne treatment made out of 3 tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Whip into a thick paste that will resemble chocolate and smooth onto your face. The cinnamon will stop the acne-causing bacteria, and the honey will work to reduce redness and restore moisture. Leave on for about ten minutes (or until it starts to burn), then wash off and pat face dry.

 Cleanses the Scalp

Cinnamon can also be used to nourish the scalp. Make a paste using 1 tsp ground cinnamon, ¼ tsp warm olive oil and 1 tbsp honey. Massage this into the scalp and leave on for 15 minutes.
Wash off after this using a normal shampoo. Cinnamon acts like an exfoliating agent to stimulate the scalp and provide nourishment to hair follicles.


Cinnamon has antiseptic properties. If you have an open cut or wound, just dust a pinch of cinnamon over it. Bacteria will be killed and the wound heals faster.

 Heart Diseases:

Mix honey and cinnamon powder together and apply on bread instead of jam and consume daily. This will keep you safe from heart attacks. You can apply this mixture on roti’s as well.

Weight loss:

Drinking honey and cinnamon powder boiled in a cup of water, at least half an hour before breakfast and at night daily has shown amazing results to control weight loss. Taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Cinnamon helps to reduce weight quickly.

Cures Cold:

Cinnamon is a warming herb used to cure cold and the common flu. Cinnamon when added to ginger tea is an excellent cold reliever. Another remedy includes adding quarter-teaspoon if cinnamon powder to a tablespoon of honey. Consume the mixture twice a day for 3 days for best results.

Diabetes Treatment:

A quarter teaspoon cinnamon when consumed over a period of 2 months will help reduce blood sugar levels by 30 per cent.

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