Wednesday, 9 September 2015


            It’s a dream of every women, having shiny, silk and healthy hair but due to hair curlers, straighteners, poor care, exposure to sun and chemical treatment they are suffering from hair breakage. If your hair does not grow, it seems like your hair always at the same length, even you are not cutting it breakage is your problem but you can stop the hair breakage by adding more care and protein..........

  • ·    Healthy Hair Care Routine
·       Remove Split or Dead Ends of Hair
·       Do not Brush your Wet Hair
·       Use Heat on your Hair less often
·       Avoid Use of Chemicals
·       Avoid too much of Sun Exposure
·       Moisturize your Hair
·       Relax your hair
·       Good Nutrition
·       Avoid too much Washing of your Hair

Best Effective Homemade Remedies for Hair Breakage:-

Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil Hair Mask
You’ll need to get fresh curry leaves and some coconut oil. Boil these two together until the black residue starts forming, then harvest this residue and apply it to your hair. Use it twice a week to replenish your hair, help it grow faster, and even fight gray hair!  You don’t want to fry the leaves, just boil them a bit and then harvest the black stuff.

Vinegar Hair Mask
Mix 1 part vinegar (apple cider vinegar is the hair care favorite, since it leaves less of an odor; white vinegar works just fine; and wine-based vinegar is best for dry hair) with 2 parts water. To minimize odor, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Use as a final rinse after you shampoo. You can use this mask weekly twice.

 Almond oil For Hair
Take about a tablespoon of almond oil – more or less depending on the length and thickness of your hair – and massage it into your scalp, down to the ends of your hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes or so, then rinse your hair with cool water and shampoo as usual. Use Almond oil weekly thrice.

Yogurt Hair Mask
Dairy products like cream and yogurt can. Lactic acid in yogurt gently cleanses white fat moisturizes. Mix egg and yogurt for a deep conditioning protein treatment. Simply, massage 3 tbsp. sour cream or yogurt into your hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse and shampoo hair. You can apply this treatment every week.

 Egg Hair Mask
Egg is the best source of protein for your hair. The yolk is rich in fat and protein which is extremely moisturizing. The white is full of bacteria eating an enzyme which cleanses your hair and scalp. Use a full egg for normal to dry hair. For oily hair and scalp, use only whites. Egg alone or mixed with more protein rich ingredients can be applied to the hair. This treatment can be used every two weeks or monthly. Take one egg or two depending on the length and thickness of your hair. Beat until frothy and apply it your hair and scalp. Make sure all your hair is properly covered with egg. Cover with a shower cap and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and shampoo. If you find the smell of egg unpleasant, add a few drops of lemon juice.


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