Sunday, 9 August 2015


 Hello Beautiful Ladies,

                                          Beauty remedies always start in our kitchen, if you have not yet heard of it, rice water is highly beneficial for certain health issue and also in taking care of the skin and hair. Next time you boil rice, think twice before tossing the water. Rice water is rich in beauty, minerals and vitamins that make it fantastic for both skin and hair.

To Improve Hair Growth

After a hair wash using shampoo, avoid conditioner. Instead, use the soaked rice water and rinse your hair. Follow this process twice in a week to get best results.

To Reduce Split Ends

If you want to remove your split ends naturally, then follow this tip. Dip the ends of your hair in a bowl of soaked rice water. After 15 minutes, remove your hair from the bowl and wash under running water.

To Improve Texture

 The best rice water benefits for your hair is that it improves the texture of your locks. For those who have scanty and thin hair, rinse your hair with rice water thrice in a week to see best results.

For Dandruff

 Dandruff is a common problem which affects almost everyone. To lessen the production of dandruff, rinsing your hair with rice water will be effective

To Lighten Blemishes

Lighten your blemishes with the help of rice water. Add a pinch of turmeric to your rice water before you rinse your face. It will be more beneficial.

To Get Rid Of Acne

 Rice water when used as a face wash regularly helps to decrease the production of acne. However, regular use of rice water makes your skin dry

Helps Remove Sun Tan

 Sun tan can also be removed by using rice water. Dab a piece of cotton in water and gently rub it on your body. Have a shower post 20 minutes. You can also rub a piece of fresh tomato on your body for best results.

Tightens Skin

 One of the rice water benefits for your skin is that it helps in tightening sagging skin. It is best for people who have lost weight and want to tighten their skin

Decreases Wrinkles

 When wrinkles start to appear at the corner of your eye, immediately treat it by using rice water. However, in this case, you need to use the water derived from boiled rice.

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